MySQL install steps at; what is basedir??

Bradley Giesbrecht pixilla at
Tue Sep 16 09:08:56 PDT 2014

On Sep 16, 2014, at 8:32 AM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at> wrote:

> On 15 Sep2014, at 5:15 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
>> ...I haven't been very involved with MySQL in awhile. I handed the MacPorts MySQL ports over to Bradley (pixilla) a couple years ago.
>> I didn't originally write the MAMP wiki page and my preference would be for it to be rewritten in separate pages (one for PHP, one for MySQL) and updated for the current versions of those ports.
>> ****  
>> The instructions in that page to chown using the "mysql" user date from OS X 10.4 and earlier. As of OS X 10.5, the user changed to _mysql.[EMPHASIS ADDED]
>> ***  
>> I think the wiki is a great place to gather information about how to use ports. Feel free to edit pages or create new ones.
> The port file at
> includes:
>    if {"darwin" eq ${os.platform} && ${os.major} > 8} {
> 	        set mysqluser       _mysql
>    } else {
>       set mysqluser       mysql
>    }
> Doesn't that mean that the change in name of the "mysqluser" is in fact as of OS X 10.8 rather than as of 10.5?
> If so, I'll edit the wiki page accordingly.
> If not, is the port file code wrong?

Darwin release numbers [1] are not the same as OS X release numbers. The variable os.major refers to the first number in the Darwin release of the form major.minor.release.
So " ${os.major} > 8" is greater than  Darwin 8 or OS X 10.4 "Tiger".


Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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