mysql56-server: what is basedir? and where put my.cnf?

Bradley Giesbrecht pixilla at
Tue Sep 16 10:28:56 PDT 2014

On Sep 15, 2014, at 12:22 PM, Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at> wrote:

> (1) Right now for my installation of mysql56-server (and mysql56), I've put all my configuration settings in 
>    /opt/local/etc/mysql56/my.cnf
>    (a) With _no_ setting there for basedir, mysql server and client work just fine.
>    (b) If I use "basedir =  /opt/local/lib/mysql56", then the server won't start. I get error:
>        "The server quit without updating PID file (/opt/local/var/db/mysql56/"
>    So what should the value of basedir be, in other words, for the MacPorts port just what _is_ the "installation     
>    directory" (as the MySQL docs say the value should be)??

There is _no_ need to set these options. The only non-default option set by MacPorts is in /opt/local/etc/mysql56/macports-default.cnf and this can be easily removed by simply removing/commenting the include line in the default cat /opt/local/etc/mysql56/my.cnf file.

It is probably best to start with an empty /opt/local/etc/mysql56/my.cnf options file and add settings as you discover a need for them.
An "empty" /opt/local/etc/mysql56/my.cnf should "just work".

If you elect to override mysql defaults please refer to the mysql documentation:

> (2) For the MacPorts version of mysql, what is the recommended or preferred location for my.cnf?  
>    Possibilities are:
>        /opt/local/etc/mysql56/my.cnf    (which I'm using)
This is the default my.cnf file.

>        /opt/local/etc/my.cnf
Please remove or rename this file.

>        /private/etc/my.cnf
Please remove or rename this file.

Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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