tclreadline install fails under 10.10

j. van den hoff veedeehjay at
Sat Apr 11 03:46:17 PDT 2015

hi list,

I ran into this problem today after upgrading from 10.9 to 10.10.3. the  
install fails with exactly the same error messages reported 4 months ago  
in the ticket seemingly nothing  
could be done about the problem since then. is there any hope that this is  
going to be looked at by someone in the know in the near future? any  
advice how to workaround the problem would be appreciated, too, of course.


PS: a bit of googling at least seems to indicate that the problem is not  
tclreadline specific but some principal thing with readline:  

in the latter link there even is a patch reported for readline.c which  
allegedly fixes the problem. maybe this is of some help...

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