Help with a port
dandunfee at
Tue Aug 18 10:05:00 PDT 2015
It would be great if you were to do so please! The details start in the
lynx.cfg file that comes with the macports installation at:
.h1 CGI scripts
There is a version to compile where the "exec" and scripting is allowed
only locally to prevent remote access to this function.
I have appended a file, jumps.html, which has examples of links using this
function as links. Some in the destination have "lynxexec:" or
These can be seen using lynx in the status line as the destination. The
first does a local command and the latter runs an application, as the
example links will reflect in the link label text. The 2nd link from the
bottom would appear to call a local cgi script.
I don't know if it is a compile issue but I could never get the "jumP" key
command function to work in the macports version of lynx. It could be I'm
just not including the proper syntax in lynx.cfg to allow it. The "help
file" and "index" key command features do work when I put them in the
lynx.cfg with what seems the same required syntax.
I would be ever so grateful if you were to undertake to compile lynx with
this functionality.
On Mon, 17
Aug 2015, Michael David Crawford wrote:
> I would be happy to build Lynx with the configuration of your heart's
> desire. Do you have any special requirements other than the external
> command facility? The current OS X or an old version?
> Just now I'm working my way through wget, I'm going to provide a statically
> linked build at when it is ready, then later a
y> dynamically linked build with an installer.
> I love MacPorts but it is beyond the comprehension of many.
> Mike Crawford
> mdcrawford at
> (503) 688-8345
> One Must Not Trifle With Wizards For It Makes Us Soggy And Hard To Light.
> --
> Michael David Crawford, Consulting Software Engineer
> mdcrawford at
> Every Deity Hath the Insight to Foretell the Future
> Yet G-d Almighty Himself Possesseth Not the Power to Undo the Past.
-------------- next part --------------
<title>Shortcut List</title>
<link rev="made" href="mailto:WebMaster at foo.blah.dom">
<h1>Shortcut List</h1>
This is a sample jumps file created in the early days of Lynx:
you should use it as a template, replacing with your own choices.
See Users Guide for details of how the `j' command works.
*** IMPORTANT *** If you want to use `?' with `j' to recall
your own list of abbreviations, you must make sure
you always have the correct URL corresponding to `?' below:
otherwise, Lynx may display an incorrect list with misleading results.
*** ALSO *** The entries must be in alphabetic order, with `?' first:
otherwise, Lynx may not be able to find them all.
<b>Name</b> <b>Link</b>
<!-- The list *MUST* be kept SORTED, one entry per line -->
<dl compact>
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