Python packages installed using pip not on PATH

Russell Jones russell.jones at
Thu Jul 16 02:42:39 PDT 2015

It depends on the use case, but with Python often it's worth using a 
virtualenv with a requirements.txt, the commands are virtualenv-2.7 and 
pyvenv-3.4 in MacPorts. This allows better reproduceability and it's 
fairly easy to start the setup again with a fresh virtualenv. I think 
Ruby has at least one equivalent. I don't know about Perl. With Python's 
pip, there's also the --user flag, but it's less easy to clean up and 
start again or have multiple set-ups.


On 16/07/15 01:50, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 8:45 PM, Ludwig <macports at 
> <mailto:macports at>> wrote:
>     On Wed, 15 Jul 2015, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>     > MacPorts should be the only software installing files into the
>     MacPorts
>     > prefix (/opt/local); using pip (or anything else) to install
>     software into
>     > the MacPorts prefix is not recommended.
>     Does this include ruby gems?
> All of Perl, Python, and Ruby recommend you do not install manually 
> any modules / packages in a package manager-provided tree, not even 
> with standard utilities like Perl's cpan. There are very good reasons 
> for this, although less applicable to MacPorts than to, say, Linux 
> (where installing the wrong Perl module on a Debian-ish system can 
> break dpkg/apt-get, or the wrong Python module on a Red Hat-ish system 
> can break yum. I've actually had to help someone try to recover from 
> the former).
> -- 
> brandon s allbery kf8nh sine nomine associates
> allbery.b at <mailto:allbery.b at> 
> ballbery at <mailto:ballbery at>
> unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
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