OpenSceneGraph Broken

Arto Bendiken arto at
Mon Jul 20 08:39:43 PDT 2015

On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Adam Dershowitz <dersh at> wrote:
> Now, that is odd.  I also am running 2.3.3 and 10.10.4.  Yet, if i try to to
> install OpenSceneGraph, it fails.  I did also create a
> ticket:
> I wonder what the difference is between the our two installations?

Also of note, I'm on the older libgdal:

    $ port installed gdal
    The following ports are currently installed:
     gdal @1.11.2_2+expat (active)

So, I was likely merely lucky enough to have installed OSG just before
the gdal upgrade to 2.0.0 in changeset [138789]:

Arto Bendiken | @bendiken |

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