yosemite and 2008/9 macbookpro compatability, macports install settings for older architecture?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sat May 30 18:34:32 PDT 2015

On May 30, 2015, at 5:18 PM, Dave Horsfall wrote:

> On Fri, 29 May 2015, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> You should probably migrate any relevant changes from 
>> macports.conf.default to macports.conf every time you upgrade MacPorts, 
>> as described in the Migration instructions, section 2 a.
> Well, I've never made any changes (as I said, I don't know my way around 
> MacPorts yet), so I should be safe in merely renaming them?

Sure, you can copy (not rename) macports.conf.default to macports.conf, if you've made no changes in macports.conf that you want to keep.

> And anyway, what then?  Force a massive rebuild somehow, or will it happen 
> all by itself?

No rebuild should be necessary.

> I thought I'd followed the instructions when going to Yosemite (it was the 
> free upgrade from Snow Leopard), but I guess not...

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