Is there a good version of Time Machine?

ftp83plus gestos at
Sun Feb 28 17:26:14 PST 2016

I learnt the hard way that TM's efficiency is not necessarily what you expect it to be. Corruption from power loss on an external drive three times, surprise corruption on Linux server running AFP 3.4-compatible Netatalk two times in 3 months.

On directly-connected hard drives, there are very few issues.
Over the network and especially wireless, just a small glitch can corrupt the backups. 
Even Apple's own hardware doesn't necessarily prevent catastrophic failures.

Reading forums here and there, it seems there's no relationship between connected equipment and risk for Time Machine backups. I understood TM is basically so complex that it can't be repaired, no matter what some anecdotic evidence show.

So to answer your question Dave Horsfall, I don't think there's a "good" version of TM. It's all sweet while it works, but when it fails, it's usually the nastiest way you could expect.


El 2016-02-22, a las 8:11 AM, Rainer Müller escribió:

> On 2016-02-22 08:52, Dave Horsfall wrote:
>> I ask because either it won't back up .dotfiles, or I've forgotten to 
>> click one of those box thingies...
> They should have been backed up, but you might not see them in Finder
> when browsing the backup directory without enabling hidden files.
> Use these commands to do so:
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
> killall Finder
>> Specifically, I want my Firefox config back.
> On OS X, the Firefox configuration profiles are not in a hidden
> directories, but they should be at:
> ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/
> HTH,
> Rainer
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