py-scikits-bvp_solver on el capitan

Brandon Allbery allbery.b at
Sat Jan 2 15:19:56 PST 2016

On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Gideon Simpson <gideon.simpson at>

> Is there a way to change the gcc dependency of py-scikits-bvp_solver form
> gcc48 to something more recent?  Since there’s a bug between gcc48 and el
> capitan, it won’t install.

jinx:14868 Z$ port variants py27-scikits-bvp_solver
py27-scikits-bvp_solver has the variants:
   gcc43: build with gfortran from gcc43
     * conflicts with gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49
   gcc44: build with gfortran from gcc44
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49
   gcc45: build with gfortran from gcc45
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49
   gcc46: build with gfortran from gcc46
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49
   gcc47: build with gfortran from gcc47
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc48 gcc49
[+]gcc48: build with gfortran from gcc48
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc49
   gcc49: build with gfortran from gcc49
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48

(the variants are only visible on the versioned port; py-scikits-bvp_solver
just provides the per-python-version scaffolding)

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
allbery.b at                                  ballbery at
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
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