Octave 4.x?

Marius Schamschula lists at schamschula.com
Sat Jan 16 16:29:51 PST 2016


You can find the variants as usual. For example

port info octave-devel-release

I have installed both octave-devel-rc and octave-devel-release (on different machines) with -java +atlas

On Jan 16, 2016, at 6:25 PM, Jerry <lanceboyle at qwest.net> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 6:38 PM, Jerry <lanceboyle at qwest.net> wrote:
>> Any idea when we can expect a port of Octave 4.x? I think its been available from source since May 2015.
>> left-ear Z$ port list octave-devel\*
>> octave-devel                   @4.1.0+         math/octave-devel
>> octave-devel-rc                @4.0.1-rc1      math/octave-devel
>> octave-devel-release           @4.0.0          math/octave-devel
>> I would suspect it's still devel because there are things that depend on the older version.
>> -- 
>> brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
>> allbery.b at gmail.com                                  ballbery at sinenomine.net
>> unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad        http://sinenomine.net
> Oh, OK. Sorry.
> What is the best installation command? Is Atlas still the preferred numerical library? There seem to be variants for Java, Qt4, and FLTK GUIs. I think the preferred GUI is Qt4. I get confused when looking at portfiles trying to figure out what variants to use and which ones are the defaults. FWIW I currently have
> octave @3.8.2_10+atlas+gcc48+glgui
> Jerry

Marius Schamschula

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