svn server problem?

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Sun Jul 16 11:14:23 UTC 2017

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 06:55, Richard L. Hamilton <rlhamil at> wrote:
> Rebooted my router; worked afterward.
> I have no proxies, and no particularly strange rules, certainly not for most sorts of client functionality.  But, like most home routers, it NATs a single external address, and  I have enough UPnP stuff (server processes, occasional BT client, etc), that I suppose an accumulation of rules that didn't time out could get ugly; Parallels Desktop is an example of something that doesn't clean up its rules (just keeps adding more periodically), so I already know I have to reboot the router once in a while to get rid of those.

That would be Parallels Access (remote desktop access to Mac that may be running Parallels VM's, and to the VM's on it) rather than Parallels Desktop.

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