zile builds but does not run under high sierra

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Nov 20 19:26:30 UTC 2017

On Nov 20, 2017, at 12:13, Randy Mortensen wrote:

> I recently upgraded macOS to high sierra (MacBook Pro 15”) and removed and installed all my ports, one of which is the zile editor.
> However zile does not run and instead results in “Illegal instruction: 4”

One High Sierra-specific crash in zile was fixed by the developers in version 2.4.14. I've updated the port to that version; it should sync to the public server within an hour, and a binary should be built within a few hours, if you want to run `sudo port selfupdate` and try that version then.

If you still see the crash with 2.4.14, show us the crash log.

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