zile builds but does not run under high sierra

Randy Mortensen randy.mortensen at bitstrata.com
Mon Nov 20 21:16:22 UTC 2017

> On Nov 20, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2017, at 12:13, Randy Mortensen wrote:
>> I recently upgraded macOS to high sierra (MacBook Pro 15”) and removed and installed all my ports, one of which is the zile editor.
>> However zile does not run and instead results in “Illegal instruction: 4”
> One High Sierra-specific crash in zile was fixed by the developers in version 2.4.14. I've updated the port to that version; it should sync to the public server within an hour, and a binary should be built within a few hours, if you want to run `sudo port selfupdate` and try that version then.
> If you still see the crash with 2.4.14, show us the crash log.
Thanks for updating the port. 

After selfupdate, the build failed but the log file mentioned missing “help2man”. After “sudo port install help2man” and “sudo port install zile” again, the zile build carried on and succeeded and the executable works.
(There doesn’t appear to be a zile log file after the build succeed.)

It appears that the zile port is missing a dependency on help2man. Should I create a ticket?

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