Uninstall a port and ONLY THAT PORT's dependencies?

Mojca Miklavec mojca at macports.org
Mon Oct 2 06:24:47 UTC 2017

2. okt. 2017 6:40 AM "Ryan Schmidt" wrote:

On Oct 1, 2017, at 17:35, Dave Horsfall wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Err, I'd be wary of that on my box.  The output includes things like
"xv", "aspell", "awstats", "enscript", "gdb", "groff", "gzip" etc (and
that's just a start).

I don't know what to tell you. As far as MacPorts knows, you did not
request the installation of those ports, and nothing you've installed
declares a library or runtime dependency on them

Some ports may be installed as build dependencies. Or some ports you
installed now need different dependencies than they used to. Macports won't
auto-notify you when some dependencies are no longer needed, so ports may
accumulate over time.

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