Perl5 wrapper port...usage...?

Michael Parson mparson at
Sun Oct 15 18:59:22 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-15 12:16, Carlo Tambuatco wrote:
>> On Oct 15, 2017, at 11:20 AM, Michael Parson <mparson at> wrote:
>> On 2017-10-15 00:22, Carlo Tambuatco wrote:
>>> So as I understand, the perl_select port is obsolete, right?
>>> I’ve got perl5 wrapper port as well as the perl5.24 variant 
>>> installed.
>>> I’ve also got various other perl versions installed so my perl
>>> installation list looks like:
>>>  perl5 @5.24.2_0+perl5_24 (active)
>>>  perl5.16 @5.16.3_4 (active)
>>>  perl5.18 @5.18.4_3 (active)
>>>  perl5.22 @5.22.4_0 (active)
>>>  perl5.24 @5.24.2_0 (active)
>>> with all the various default perl programs symlinked to perl5.24. If 
>>> I
>>> wanted to switch the default
>>> perl5.x to any of my other perl versions, what is the mechanism for
>>> doing so now that
>>> perl_select no longer recognizes any installed perl?
>> This should be handled with 'port select'
>> Try:
>> port select --show perl5  # show which 'perl5' is currently selected
> Error: The 'show' command failed: The specified group 'perl5' does not 
> exist.
>> port select --list perl5  # list which pkgs you can select for ‘perl5'
> Warning: Unable to get active selected version: The specified group
> 'perl5' does not exist.
> Error: The 'list' command failed: The specified group 'perl5' does not 
> exist.
>> sudo port select perl5 perl5.16  # use 'perl5.16' as your current 
>> ‘perl5'
> Did not bother with this as the above commands failed...

Huh.  I was basing this on having used the 'port select' stuff for gcc & 
python, looks like perl isn't using this feature.

$ port select --summary
Name       Selected  Options
====       ========  =======
cython     none      cython27 none
gcc        none      mp-gcc6 mp-gcc7 none
llvm       none      mp-llvm-4.0 none
nosetests  none      nosetests27 none
python     python27  python26-apple python27 python27-apple python36 
python2    none      python26-apple python27 python27-apple none
python3    python36  python36 none

$ port installed | grep perl5
   mosh @1.3.2_0+perl5_24 (active)
   perl5 @5.24.2_0+perl5_24 (active)
   perl5.20 @5.20.3_2 (active)
   perl5.24 @5.24.2_0 (active)

It looks like getting this to work with perl is more complicated and is 
still an open issue:

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