Macports installation problem

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Oct 19 01:14:28 UTC 2017

Remember to Reply All so our conversation stays on the mailing list.

My reply is below.

On Oct 18, 2017, at 20:05, John wrote:

> 2017-10-18 7:50 GMT-07:00 Ryan Schmidt:
>> On Oct 18, 2017, at 04:25, John wrote:
>>>    I tried to install Macports on my Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6, and type "sudo port install cairo", but it did not respond. I haven't seen any file name or app called Macports, but one file called "port" which is located at
>>> loca/bin/port"
>>>    How should I do it? 
>>>    Thanks,
>>> John
>>> *******
>>> Last login: Sun Oct 15 02:52:49 on console
>>> Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ john$ /opt/local/bin/port ; exit;
>>> MacPorts 2.4.2
>>> Entering shell mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)
>>> [Users/john] > sudo port install cairo
>>> Error: Unrecognized action "port sudo"
>> You are correct; there is no GUI app called MacPorts. MacPorts is the command line program /opt/local/bin/port. 
>> The installer should have set up your PATH so that you can run it by just typing "port" instead of that full path. 
>> From your output above, I see you inadvertently entered MacPorts shell mode, indicated by the ">" prompt, by running "port" with no arguments. As it says, to exit that mode, type "quit" to get back to your normal shell's "$" prompt. At your normal shell "$" prompt, you can run "sudo port install cairo". 

>    After typing quit, I got the following: 
> ******
> [Users/john] > quit
> Goodbye
> logout
> Saving session...
> ...copying shared history...
> ...saving history...truncating history files...
> ...completed.
> [Process completed]
> ********
> and then I can't type anything.... 

Ok, it sounds like what you actually did was you double-clicked on "port" in the Finder, which opened Terminal and ran the port command for you with no arguments.

That's not how MacPorts is used. Instead, open the Terminal, if it's not still open. It's in /Applications/Utilities. Then type the command you want, like "sudo port install cairo".

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