Compiling git

Michael keybounce at
Fri Oct 27 18:21:05 UTC 2017

So I'm trying to compile git from sources.

The first thing I tried was a straight download of the raw git. No go. 
The second thing I tried was using the macport patches (a makefile patch setting a linker flag, it looks like).

But, attempting to compile the profiling mode fails. There does not seem to be an option in macports for working with profiling.

Error line:
clang: error: unknown argument: '-fprofile-generate=/Volumes/UserData/Users/michael/Documents/Programming/git'
make[1]: *** [credential-store.o] Error 1
make: *** [profile] Error 2

Full log:

Anything obvious to porters, or should I bounce this up to the git list?

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