Problem opening x-window over an ssh connection

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at
Fri Feb 16 19:15:53 UTC 2018

This happens recurrently to me, usually after significant updates. 

The last time was some months ago, so I forget exactly what I did, but it involved the location of xauth and the ssh config on the target machine, if I recall correctly.

So that's where I would start to google, (and will, the next time I have this issue).

I hope this helps.


On 2018-02-16, at 10:33 AM, Gustavo Seabra wrote:

> Hi all,
> I understand this may not be a real Macports problem, but I suspect someone here may know the solution. I have googled a bit about this, but the solutions I found do not really apply to that problem. Here it is:
> I have 3 machines:
> A: My Mac
> B: A Unix machine that serves as firewall to other computers
> C: The computer I want to access.
> SO, If I do:
> A]$ ssh -Y B
> B]$ echo $DISPLAY
>  localhost:10.0
> B]$ xmgrace
> I get a nice window from xmgrace, as expected.
> However, If I try to open xmgrace from C using B as a jump, I get:
> A]$ ssh -Y B
> B]$ echo $DISPLAY
>  localhost:10.0
> B]$ ssh -Y C
> C]$ echo $DISPLAY
>  localhost:10.0
> C]$ xmgrace
>  Can't open display
>  Failed initializing GUI, exiting
> C]$
> I suspect there’s something ill-configured in C, but don’t know what could it be or where to look. Could someone there please help me here?
> Thanks,
>> Gustavo Seabra.

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