
Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Jan 22 04:12:06 UTC 2018

On Jan 20, 2018, at 17:11, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> The lspci command might be handy for those not wishing to parse native tools in hopes of finding similar info.
> The version at https://mj.ucw.cz/sw/pciutils/  built easily enough for me, although it does require boot-args debug=0x144 (as well as running it as root).
> Does that put it out of bounds, or would it make sense as part of MacPorts?

We certainly have other programs in MacPorts that must run as root. I don't know if we have any that require different boot-args, but that could be communicated to the user via the notes field.

> (I've seen another version, but it requires a kext, which starts to get iffy, IMO)

We have other ports that install kernel extensions, but because newer macOS versions won't load unsigned extensions we have to install a developer-provided pre-compiled binary for newer systems. There's also a bit of difficulty related to the fact that the kernel architecture isn't always the same as the regular build architecture: Early Intel Macs ran 32-bit i386 kernels even though they ran 64-bit x86_64 user code. Getting the Portfile code right for that situation takes a bit of work. We've done it in several ports already so ideally that code would be abstracted away into a portgroup but nobody's done that yet.

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