iTerm2 and High Sierra 10.13.6 incompatible...

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Jul 18 19:20:36 UTC 2018

On Jul 18, 2018, at 14:17, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> soon as I tried to run it, it popped up its own updater telling me that 3.1.7 was available.  Now I know enough NOT to use a non-MacPorts updater on something installed via MacPorts, but IMO, the MacPorts build really should (if there's a way to do it) disable the built-in updater, so as not to tempt people to do the wrong thing.

Yes; by all means file a ticket about that.

> Presumably that also means it might be nice if someone updated the port to 3.1.7. :-)

Yes. Someone has already filed a ticket:

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