configure fails - compiler help

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at
Fri Oct 26 17:59:44 UTC 2018

On 2018-10-26, at 9:19 AM, Ken Cunningham wrote:
>>> This is probably not ideal behaviour on 10.5, but nobody is going to change those defaults now.
>> Why don't we?
> radar ? :>
> maybe Jeremy would accept the fix. Doubt it at this point. Possibly was already fixed in some later ld64 release -- this one on 10.5 is 127.
> K

actually, looks like an easy fix. We just have to define DEFAULT_MACOSX_MIN_VERSION to the build OS version when building ld64 and we should be good:


			warning("-macosx_version_min not specificed, assuming " DEFAULT_MACOSX_MIN_VERSION);
			warning("-macosx_version_min not specificed, assuming 10.6");
			fMacVersionMin = ld::mac10_6;

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