Wireshark, Qt5 and El Capitan

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sun Apr 21 11:21:41 UTC 2019

> On 21 Apr 2019, at 10:44 am, Joshua Root <jmr at macports.org> wrote:
>> On 2019-4-21 14:23 , Chris Jones wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was curious, so I fired off a build using the buildbots, just to see
>> what would happen in a clean environment.
>> https://build.macports.org/builders/ports-10.11_x86_64-builder/builds/84721/steps/install-dependencies/logs/stdio
>> And indeed I see the dep on qt5-XYZ there. Interestingly, qt511-base,
>> the version I would expect, is also there.
>> So, looking again at 
>> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/master/net/wireshark3/Portfile
>> If you look at the qt5 variant, defined at line 63, the issue is
>> actually obvious really. The qt5 portgroup is correctly used, to pick
>> the right qt5 build, but then at line 68 there are hardcoded deps on
>> specific ‘qt5’ versions, which undoes the good work of the qt5 PG. This
>> is a bug in the wireshark port, which should be looked into. I suggest
>> you file a trac ticket to ask the maintainer to take a look.
> <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/58352>

Sorry. I tend to ignore trac these days and just focus on github, so did not see this.


> - Josh

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