ffmpeg Fails After MacPorts Migration to Catalina Version

Andrew Udvare audvare at gmail.com
Sat Dec 14 01:16:29 UTC 2019

It's built so it seems more likely this is a bug in ffmpeg.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 13, 2019, at 18:56, Michael Newman <mgnewman at mac.com> wrote:
> I’m not positive, but I believe it was built from source. This is what I got when I removed and reinstalled it:
> MrMuscle:bin mnewman$ sudo port install ffmpeg
> --->  Computing dependencies for ffmpeg
> --->  Fetching archive for ffmpeg
> --->  Attempting to fetch ffmpeg-4.2.1_2+gpl2.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2 from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/ffmpeg
> --->  Attempting to fetch ffmpeg-4.2.1_2+gpl2.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2 from http://cph.dk.packages.macports.org/ffmpeg
> --->  Attempting to fetch ffmpeg-4.2.1_2+gpl2.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2 from http://jog.id.packages.macports.org/macports/packages/ffmpeg
> --->  Fetching distfiles for ffmpeg
> --->  Verifying checksums for ffmpeg
> --->  Extracting ffmpeg
> --->  Applying patches to ffmpeg
> --->  Configuring ffmpeg
> --->  Building ffmpeg
> --->  Staging ffmpeg into destroot
> --->  Installing ffmpeg @4.2.1_2+gpl2
> --->  Activating ffmpeg @4.2.1_2+gpl2
> --->  Cleaning ffmpeg
> --->  Updating database of binaries
> --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
> --->  No broken files found.
> --->  No broken ports found.
>> On Dec 14, 2019, at 06:49, Andrew Udvare <audvare at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Dec 13, 2019, at 18:28, Michael Newman via macports-users <macports-users at lists.macports.org> wrote:
>>> I’ve been using ffmpeg daily for several years to generate time lapse videos from a series of JPEGs.
>>> After I updated my 2017 iMac to Catalina, it still worked.
>>> However, after migrating MacPorts to the Catalina version, it fails:
>>> ./skyvideo.sh: line 38:  5438 Done                    cat $ipath
>>>     5439 Segmentation fault: 11  | /opt/local/bin/ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 10 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow -hide_banner -loglevel panic -r 10 -crf 28 -y -pix_fmt yuv420p "$vfile" >> "$log"
>> Is this a premade binary or built from source? If it's a binary you should try building from source.
>> I'm not sure MacPorts provides a binary of ffmpeg.
>> Andrew

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