/usr/local/bin/lynx: Bad CPU type in executable

Michael Newman mgnewman at mac.com
Sun Dec 22 21:41:44 UTC 2019

On Dec 22, 2019, at 22:04, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:

> Since reclaim prints a list of the ports it will remove, it seems like it's up to you to verify that there isn't anything on the list that you want to keep before confirming the action, and it should not be surprising or scary to you that MacPorts does then remove the ports it said it would remove if you allow it to do 
> so.

No, you’re absolutely right. The scary thing is how stupid and sloppy I seem to be.

On the other hand, the list of ports to be removed was huge. How am I to know if it’s OK to remove something like popt?

> And more generally, remove anything you have in /usr/local.

Isn’t that where Homebrew installs its stuff? I prefer to use MacPorts, but sometimes I need something that doesn’t have a port, like avconv, growlnotify and others.
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