
Andrew Udvare audvare at
Wed Feb 27 06:42:59 UTC 2019

On 26/02/2019 21:01, Ken Cunningham wrote:
> 1. The video is supposed to play in the smplayer window, but it always seems to want to make mplayer or mpv play it in it's own window. Not sure if this is a configuration thing, or if it's something to do with how we build mplayer / mpv -- or if the qt gui just doesn't pull in the macOS video correctly...

There's a configuration option IIRC that determines this. But it still
could be the build.

> 2. I just can't seem to find out where to put the translations so they will work (same with smtube, for that matter). Anyone skilled in qt who knows about this, please fix!

If properly built, Qt translations go in
/opt/local/usr/share/locale/<lang code>/LC_MESSAGES/<name of app>_qt.qm
, usually.

find /opt/local/share -iname '*.qm'

> 3. These two ports (smtube / smplayer) are supposed to work together, but they weren't anticipating being born as macOS bundles -- so - have to write up an applescript or osa script or something I guess to launch them as bundles -- or maybe symlink the binaries into ${prefix}/bin/  if they can be happy that way.

The code should be modified to use LSOpenFromURLSpec() when launching
app bundles. There does not seem to be a Qt way to do this. You could
use `QProcess::startDetached("open ...");`

The code way is like so:

LSLaunchURLSpec spec;
spec.appURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL,
CFSTR("/Applications/.../"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
spec.itemURLs = CFArrayCreate(NULL, &values, 1, NULL); // where values
is CFArrayRef of CFURLRefs

LSOpenFromURLSpec(spec, NULL);



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