vi copy/paste - maybe a bit OT
Richard L. Hamilton
rlhamil at
Thu Jul 4 10:03:23 UTC 2019
Use the GUI version of vim (/Applications/MacPorts/ Or use regular vi / vim in a different terminal emulator that doesn't behave as you
AFAIK, if your terminal display is restored after exiting vi, the terminal provides (and vi uses, via the smcup and rmcup terminfo strings) an alternate
buffer, for full-screen use. Ideally, that alternate buffer should NOT include any scroll back, so I think the behavior you describe might even be a bug.
Maybe there's a preference that I don't remember that would fix that for; or maybe some other escape sequence settings for smcup and
rmcup might fix that. If there's a really complete list of escape sequences for (aside from those of a color xterm, if there are any differences),
I don't know where to find it, unfortunately.
> On Jul 4, 2019, at 05:32, Christoph Kukulies <kuku at> wrote:
> I’m asking it here although the vi in macOS surely isn’t a macport but I’m asking anyway:
> Whenever I copy/paste a file content in vi (started from a Terminal) using CMD-A or select-CMD-C to select all to put it elsewhere into a text receiving object (like Notes) using CMD-V, I’m getting the whole history of that terminal window. Not only the file contents.
> That’s confusing once you forget about that fact. You paste the contents, e.g. a certificate, into a webbrowser and later you are wondering about all that stuff in thet text widget which you didn’t intend to get there.
> I understand why it might be correct that CMD-A copies the whole terminal window contents, not only the vi-part, but it’s weird anyway.
> Is the a way to circumvent this problem?
> —
> Christoph
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