dependency on correct openssl?

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Sun Sep 8 06:41:28 UTC 2019

I see the following:

sh-3.2$ port list openssl\*
openssl                        @1.1.1c         devel/openssl
openssl10                      @1.0.2s         devel/openssl10
openssl11                      @1.1.1c         devel/openssl11
sh-3.2$ port installed openssl\*
The following ports are currently installed:
  openssl @1.0.2s_0
  openssl @1.1.1c_0 (active)
  openssl10 @1.0.2s_0 (active)
sh-3.2$ port select openssl

Apparently sometime recently, plain "openssl" changes from 1.0.x to 1.1.x.  At least the following ports may have problems with that - they're the smaller number that failed the rev-upgrade test compared to what failed with 1.0.2s_0 active as openssl.
 elinks @0.11.7
 fetchmail @6.3.26+ssl
 gnome-vfs @2.24.4
 virtuoso-7 @7.2.5
 ipmitool @1.8.15
 xmms2 @0.8DrO_o+python27

They all appear to have dependencies on  openssl rather than explicitly on openssl10 or openssl11.

This is definitely not a comprehensive list, it's just the ones I had trouble with, all of which have a dependency on openssl.

It seems to me that anything that can work equally well with either can use openssl, but anything else should have an explicit dependency on openssl10 or openssl11 instead. In particular, anything that cannot yet work with 1.1.x should have an explicit dependency on openssl10 rather than openssl.

Does that make sense?

 Aside from those that have to be mutually exclusive, I'd prefer not to have to do without some ports to have others.

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