sudo -u postgres psql

Yves de Champlain yesyves at
Wed Sep 18 16:27:59 UTC 2019


I can’t find a way to use psql 11 through command line : 

yves$ sudo -u postgres psql
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
psql: could not find own program executable

yves$ sudo -u postgres /opt/local/bin/psql
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
/opt/local/bin/psql: could not find own program executable

yves$ sudo -u postgres /opt/local/lib/postgresql11/bin/psql
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
/opt/local/lib/postgresql11/bin/psql: could not find own program executable

yves$ psql
psql: FATAL:  role "yves" does not exist

yves$ ls -l /opt/local/bin/psql
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  36 11 aoû 00:23 /opt/local/bin/psql -> /opt/local/lib/postgresql11/bin/psql

yves$ ls -l /opt/local/lib/postgresql11/bin/psql
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  529632 24 jui 15:08 /opt/local/lib/postgresql11/bin/psql

Thanks for any hint.


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