clamav-server notes question

Steven Smith steve.t.smith at
Tue Dec 15 02:37:13 UTC 2020

The binary daemondo is part of MacPorts:

$ which daemondo

To allow this process full disk access hit ‘+’ under System Preferences> Security & Privacy> Privacy> Full Disk Access,

Then in the Finder window hit Command-Shift-. to show the hidden directories, then navigate to /opt/local/bin/daemondo.

All clamav-server logs are in /opt/local/var/log/clamav, or ~/Library/Logs/ClamavScanIt for user-invoked calls. Look for ClamavScanOnAccess.log and ClamavScanSchedule.log.

Except for the logs, clamav-server scans happen silently in the background. Quarantined files are placed in /opt/Quarantine or ${CLAMAV_SERVER_QUARANTINE} according to rules in the scripts:

There’s several other shell variable in these scripts that provide user control of control scanning behavior.

If you follow the instructions for the Contextual Menu for, then right-click on a file and run ClamavScanIt, you’ll see the little Automator gear running in the Menu Bar, then a notification of the result.

An undocumented feature to set environment variables at boot time is to create and load a plist like the following:

> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
> <plist version="1.0">
> <dict>
> 	<key>Label</key>
> 	<string>private.myserver.launchctl-setenv</string>
> 	<key>ProgramArguments</key>
> 	<array>
> 		<string>/bin/bash</string>
> 		<string>-c</string>
> 		<string>/bin/launchctl setenv CLAMAV_SERVER_QUARANTINE /path/to/my/quarantine ; /bin/launchctl setenv CLAMAV_SERVER_SCAN_SCHEDULE_TARGETS '("/" "/Volumes/MyDisk”)'</string>
> 	</array>
> 	<key>RunAtLoad</key>
> 	<true/>
> </dict>
> </plist>

> On Dec 14, 2020, at 11:35 AM, Lenore Horner <LenoreHorner at> wrote:
> I’m not understanding one part of the notes for clamav-server.  They say
> “On macOS 10.14+ On-Schedule and On-Access scans require enabling
>       Full Disk Access for the MacPorts process "daemondo" in:
>           System Preferences> Security & Privacy> Full Disk Access”.
> I’ve looked through the results of port contents clamav and port contents clamav-server and don’t see any file deamondo listed.  There is a deamondo in /opt/local/bin but how do I know that’s the right one?  It’s not labeled in any clear way as having come from MacPorts.  How would I verify that automake scanning of ~/downloads and ~/desktop is happening?  I only see the log for the manual scanning.  Does that mean I still don’t have the automatic scanning configured correctly (so there is some other deamondo I need to follow the instructions above for because I think the rest I’ve followed successfully) or is the logging of that going somewhere else?
> Thanks,
> Lenore

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