qt5-qtwebengine on macOS 10.13, Xcode version

Davide Liessi davide.liessi at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 11:04:15 UTC 2020


The port qt5-qtwebengine currently fails on macOS 10.13 because
nothing is built.
The configure phase ends with the following warnings:

WARNING: QtWebEngine requires at least version 10.0.0, but using Xcode
version 9.4.1.
WARNING: QtPdf requires at least version 10.0.0, but using Xcode version 9.4.1.
WARNING: QtWebEngine will not be built.
WARNING: QtPdf will not be built.

See the full log at

The version of Xcode in the buildbot is indeed 9.4.1, and although
Xcode 10.0.0 should run on macOS 10.13 I seem to recall that it wasn't
recommended to install it (probably because of the SDK version).
Is it still true?

What would you suggest to work around the problem: installing Xcode
10, replacing qt5 with qt513, or waiting for a qt514 set of ports to
be created?
In the first case: will the buildbot be updated as well?

Best wishes.

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