Local ports repository for non-standard prefix

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Jan 14 21:01:59 UTC 2020

On Jan 14, 2020, at 14:43, Raphael Cohn wrote:

> What I'd like to do is run my own local archive in my own machine without running a webserver.
> I'd like to compile my ports from source and install them. I'd like to uninstall them. The next time I install I'd like to use the previously built results.

Sounds like you need to copy the archives from var/macports/software to a different location so that when you uninstall the ports you'll still have the archives of the things you uninstalled.

> The archives created in var/macports/software are perfect for overlaying so I fail to understand how to make this work.

What does overlaying mean?

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