Local ports repository for non-standard prefix

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Wed Jan 15 14:03:51 UTC 2020

On 2020-1-15 21:52 , Raphael Cohn wrote:
> Joshua,
> Thank you.
> I've followed that document, used a file URL and still got the error
> described. I've triple-checked that the settings match.
Well I just tried it here and it seems to be working. With MacPorts
installed in /opt/mptest and this in archive_sites.conf:

name                    test
urls                    file:///tmp/
prefix                  /opt/mptest
applications_dir        /opt/mptest/Applications

Fetching an archive attempts to use the configured URL:

% sudo /opt/mptest/bin/port -b archivefetch paq8
--->  Fetching archive for paq8
--->  Attempting to fetch paq8-8p_1.darwin_18.x86_64.tbz2 from
Error: Failed to archivefetch paq8: version @8p_1: Couldn't open file

We'd probably need to see your exact config to work out what's wrong.

- Josh

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