macports-users Digest, Vol 163, Issue 13

Pieter van Oostrum pieter-l at
Wed Mar 18 23:30:41 UTC 2020

Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at> writes:

> On17 Mar 2020 17:17:37 +0100, Pieter van Oostrum <pieter-l at> wrote:
>     Date: Tue, 
>     From: Pieter van Oostrum <pieter-l at>
>     To: macports-users at
>     Subject: Re: macports-users Digest, Vol 163, Issue 12
>     Message-ID: <lx36a7arby.fsf at>
>     Content-Type: text/plain
>     Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at> writes:
>         I did that: used mode 755 for directories, mode 644 for files there. 
>         Still, same error Unable to execute port: Could not open file: /Users/murray/macports/
>         myports/kde/
>         okular/Portfile
>         Did you get this to work with your own version of a port already included in MacPorts?
>     Yes, I do this regularly. Never had a problem.
>     My working mode is: I have a clone of the git repository, but for the ports I am working on, I
>     make a copy of the Portfile and other relevant files in a shadow directory, but only for those
>     ports.
>     But 'could not open file' sounds like a protection issue.
>     What happens when you execute the shell command?
>     sudo cat /Users/murray/macports/myports/kde/okular/Portfile
>     By the way, another way is to go to the directory
>     /Users/murray/macports/myports/kde/okular
>     and execute the command 'sudo port install' (i.e. without port name). It should install the
>     port in that directory.
>     -- 
> Command "sudo cat /Users/murray/macports/myports/kde/okular/Portfile" _does_ type out the file
> contents
> However, cd to that okulr directory and executing “sudo port install” there once again gives the
> same error "Unable to execute port: Could not open file: /Users/murray/macports/myports/kde/okular
> /Portfile”.

OK, I guess that the difference is that I have my home directory with mode 755, and you probably have 700. With that setting macports cannot access anything in your files.

If you find 755 risky, you could use 711 for all directories up to your repository.
Pieter van Oostrum
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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