128-bit long double handling on PowerMac

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun May 3 14:30:34 UTC 2020

On May 3, 2020, at 00:38, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

> When I manually build GetText and Gnulib on a PowerMac G5, the self
> tests fail due to floats. I was talking with the GNU folks about it,
> and GetText and Gnulib don't handle the 128-bit long doubles.
> Apple says 64-bit long doubles are default at [1], but the man page is
> wrong, at least on my PowerMac. 128-bit long doubles are in effect by
> default on my PowerMac, and I need -mlong-double-64 to get the 64-bit
> long doubles.
> [1] https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man3/float.3.html
> My question is, how is MacPorts handling the issue? Does MacPorts use
> -mlong-double-64? Does MacPorts patch Gnulib on a PowerMac? Or maybe
> something else?

I hadn't heard of this issue, and to my knowledge we are not doing anything about it in MacPorts.

Last time I checked, things like gettext were building fine on PowerPC Macs running Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5, however it has been a year or more since I last checked.

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