libcxx-5.0.1 using i386 on a PowerMac?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri May 29 22:21:20 UTC 2020

On May 29, 2020, at 17:02, Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> I'm trying to update my PowerMac. This is what I see for libcxx during
> a 'port upgrade outdated':
> --->  Computing dependencies for libcxx
> --->  Fetching archive for libcxx
> --->  Attempting to fetch
> libcxx-5.0.1_4+universal.darwin_9.i386-ppc.tbz2 from
> --->  Attempting to fetch
> libcxx-5.0.1_4+universal.darwin_9.i386-ppc.tbz2 from
> --->  Attempting to fetch
> libcxx-5.0.1_4+universal.darwin_9.i386-ppc.tbz2 from
> --->  Building libcxx
> Error: Failed to build libcxx: command execution failed
> The i386 looks a little unusual. I would expect to see a PowerPC arch,
> like ppc970.
> Is this expected?

Yes. On Leopard and Tiger, the default universal_archs are i386 and ppc. libcxx installs itself universal by default on Snow Leopard and earlier.

It is also expected that you cannot build libcxx on PowerPC at this time. It just doesn't work there yet. If a port you're trying to install or update is pulling in libcxx, then you can't use that port on PowerPC right now, sorry. This will probably apply to a lot of ports.

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