GTK3 upgrade issue on Mojave

Greg Earle earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG
Wed Oct 14 14:41:09 UTC 2020


I have this version of GTK3 installed on my Mojave system:

mojave:~ root# port installed gtk3
The following ports are currently installed:
   gtk3 @3.24.20_0+universal+x11 (active)

Trying to do a "port upgraded outdated" to upgrade it to 
@3.24.23_0+universal+x11 worked fine on my Sierra system, but it runs 
aground on Mojave with this error:

:info:build libtool: link: /usr/bin/clang -arch x86_64 -o 
-I/opt/local/include -DX_LOCALE -pipe -Os -fstrict-aliasing -arch x86_64 
-Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -arch 
x86_64  -L. ./.libs/libgtk-3.dylib -L/opt/local/lib 
-latk-1.0 -latk-bridge-2.0 -lharfbuzz -lpangoft2-1.0 
../gdk/.libs/libgdk-3.dylib -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 
-lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lcairo-gobject -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lXinerama -lXi 
-lXrandr -lXcursor -lXcomposite -lXdamage -lXfixes -lcairo -lX11 -lXext 
-lepoxy -lfribidi -lm -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 

:info:build dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libatk-bridge-2.0.0.dylib

:info:build   Referenced from: 

:info:build   Reason: image not found

:info:build gtkentry.c:2104: Warning: Gtk: multiple comment blocks 
documenting 'GtkEntry:inner-border:' identifier (already seen at 

:info:build warning: unknown install library directory! GObject 
Introspection GIR and TYPELIB files might not work!

:info:build Command 
died with <Signals.SIGABRT: 6>.

:info:build make[3]: *** [Gtk-3.0.gir] Error 1

Port "atk" is installed and was recently updated.

libatk-bridge-2.0.0.dylib is there:

mojave:~ root# port installed atk
The following ports are currently installed:
   atk @2.36.0_0+universal (active)

mojave:~ root# ls -l /opt/local/lib/libatk-bridge-2.0.0.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  224344 Oct  9 07:46 

so I'm at a loss to understand what '@rpath' is set to at this juncture 
in the build which would cause this

:info:build dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libatk-bridge-2.0.0.dylib

error.  I don't see any references to GTK3 issues in my macports-users 
archive nor in Trac, so I'm assuming it's Operator Error on my part, but 
I don't know what I did wrong.  I did a "port clean gtk3" but I still 
get the same error.

		- Greg

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