Scanning binaries segfault

Joshua Root jmr at
Mon Apr 26 03:57:59 UTC 2021

Fielding, Eric J wrote:
> I was running a `port upgrade outdated` (actually I had to add `and not py37-scipy` as that was not building), and when it finished upgrading ports, it started the usual “Scanning binaries for linking errors”. This step is crashing with a “Segmentation fault” after about 30%. Does this mean my ports database is corrupted or something like that? Is there a way to recover without reinstalling all the ports?  I am running “MacPorts base version 2.6.4” on Catalina.

This happens if you build MacPorts base against the macOS 11 SDK and run 
it on an older OS version. Ticket: <>

Only the rev-upgrade operation is affected; your ports are correctly 
upgraded before the crash happens. Installing from the binary .pkg or 
building against the 10.15 SDK will avoid the problem.

- Josh

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