Build servers going offline due to inclement weather

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Sat Feb 20 07:40:49 UTC 2021

Ok, thanks. In the future then, I might do that if after 2-3 days, the outage was expected to continue for perhaps that much more, so that I didn't get too far behind; and I'd probably blow away the clone and switch back after things were back to normal (since it wouldn't be worth the slowdown the rest of the time).

Basically, I like it if I can keep a "port sync;port upgrade outdated" down to under 10 minutes, not counting compiler recompiles or other really slow builds. That's because I have 21 different systems or VMs (or LDOMs or zones)  (only 5 of which are Macs, the rest are Solaris, CentOS,  Ubuntu, or a CentOS-similar SPARC Linux) that I do semi-scripted updates (each in its own Terminal tab) to all at once, and the slowest non-Macs (which, to be fair, aren't compiling anything) never take that long.

That's not counting a couple of oddballs done separately because there's a limit to how many VMs at once I want to run on a host, or the three Windows instances (RDP access plus a script that runs 6 different GUI tools to do updates, since they also have WSL, Cygwin, and iCloud/iTunes on them; PatchMyPC does the none-of-the-above on those).

Yeah, that's at home. I used to work in a place with a LOT of toys, and ran quite a few of 'em, and when I retired, so I wouldn't miss the toys too much, I have a few of my own (mostly virtual). Also mainframe emulators, PDP-11 emulator, old workstation emulators, etc - most of it something I used before one time or another.

> On Feb 20, 2021, at 02:26, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> On Feb 20, 2021, at 00:54, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> Thank you for the information, and for your work!
>> Question: if someone changed their configuration as you mentioned to get Portfiles from GitHub, would they EVER (in principle) see a version of a Portfile that would NEVER make it to the rsync server (if/when the buildmaster etc was up)?  In other words, I might change my configuration (so as to be less affected by similar future outages) if I'm not risking getting a Portfile that's different from what I'd get otherwise (just sooner, sometimes), and assuming there's no other downside to me from change.
> What's on the rsync server is a time-delayed copy of what's on GitHub. Usually the delay is only up to about an hour, when the server that does the copying isn't offline.
> The downsides of using GitHub instead of rsync are that it will take more space on your disk (because you have a clone of the entire history of the repository, not just the current files as you would have with rsync) and it will take more time when you sync (because you will be generating the portindex locally instead of getting a copy from the rsync server).

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