ImportError: Couldn't locate OpenSlide dylib. Is OpenSlide installed?

Benjamin Gilbert bgilbert at
Mon Sep 13 20:48:56 UTC 2021

[resend; wasn't subscribed to macports-users]

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 4:40 PM Epstein, David <David.Epstein at>

> I get the error message in the Subject Line. So I looked at the discussion
> at
> and carefully followed all the advice given there, but the error persists.

If you're seeing this error when OpenSlide and OpenSlide Python were both
installed from MacPorts, that's likely a bug in the MacPorts package.
Could you open a Trac ticket against py-openslide with details, including
the output of `port installed | grep openslide`?

--Benjamin Gilbert
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