problem with cache, apache et php82-fpm under Ventura

Fabien Auréjac fabien.aurejac at
Thu May 25 23:24:59 UTC 2023

I answer to myself... I did set a custom path for session.save_path

commenting it solved my problem.

Le 26/05/2023 à 01:10, Fabien Auréjac a écrit :
> Hello, I'm still experiencing problems with apache 2.4 and php 8.2 fpm 
> under Ventura.
> I've made several settings to get it work, like running apache and php 
> as from my username and staff group,
> but the php pages remain cached somehow, I don't know why, even if I 
> set the headers like this in the php scripts.
>     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, 
> max-age=0");
>     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
>     header("Pragma: no-cache");
> I'm forced during the web development to clear cache for these pages, 
> if not I get the last result of a given script.
> I tried with php-opcache installed and without.
> If someone could help with this, I'll be grateful.
> Regards,
> Fabien
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