Error upgrading to macport 10.0

Joshua Root jmr at
Thu Aug 8 18:37:55 UTC 2024

> 	hello,
> It is bizarre!
> Here is what I get:
> Error: Current platform "darwin 23" does not match expected platform "darwin 23"
> Error: Please run 'sudo port migrate' or follow the migration instructions:
> OS platform mismatch
>      while executing
> "mportinit ui_options global_options global_variations"
> Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Failed to initialize MacPorts, OS platform mismatch
> What to do now?
> Thanks and bests.

My guess would be that you are running MacPorts through Rosetta. The new 
version detects this situation and prompts to migrate, which is what you 
want if you moved your installation from an x86_64 Mac to an arm64 one.

Unfortunately it looks like the code that prints the message wasn't 
updated to explain the reason correctly.

In any case, running `sudo port migrate` as it suggests should get you 
past this, or if you're sure that none of your ports need to be 
migrated, `sudo port selfupdate --migrate`.

- Josh

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