Seeking advice regarding moving guile to guile22

Tomas Volf ~ at
Fri Aug 9 21:58:27 UTC 2024


I would like to update GNU Guile packaged in macports.  Latest packaged version
is 2.2.7, while the latest available is 3.0.10.  However the packaged is under
the name `guile', so I would like to inquire how to proceed.  My current plan is
as follows:

1. Copy guile to guile22, adjust Portfile to the new name.
2. One by one change all dependents of guile to use guile22.
3. Provide guile_select.
4. Add guile30.
5. Turn guile into obsolete stub replaced by guile30.
6. Add select entries to guile22, guile18.

This approach should hopefully mean that every commit still builds all ports in
working shape.  Only problem being that after 4. but before 5., both guile30 and
guile would provide bin/guile binary (and others) without conflict in the
portfiles.  Does that matter?

Does the above in general make sense?  Are there any steps missing?  Should the
order differ?

One more unrelated question.  Is there a way to make tests run on package build?
I noticed the guide saying that the test phase is just for manual execution, but
running the tests suite caught multiple bugs during development of the guile30
Portfile, so I wondered whether it is possible to turn them on during port build
(so that user has some guarantee that the built version for their platform

Thank you in advance and have a nice day,
Tomas Volf

There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.
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