progress display during port de/activation

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat Aug 10 12:42:07 UTC 2024


Pardon the intrusion, but who else feels like the new progress indicator during port de/activation is an unnecessary overhead that (in my timing) can make these steps take up 1.5-2x as long? (And for me that's on spinning rust; I expect the overhead to be even larger with fast disks.)

For now I just hack it out in $prefix/libexec/registry2.0/portimage.tcl but unless I'm the only person to be bothered by this it would be nice to control this via a configuration flag.


FWIW, just blocking the actual terminal output doesn't noticeably decrease the overhead, and just increasing the showTimeThreshold in `port` decreases the overhead only by maybe 50% so it would probably remain considerable for large ports.

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