progress display during port de/activation

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat Aug 17 19:22:49 UTC 2024

On Sunday August 11 2024 14:52:37 Clemens Lang wrote:

>Feel free to contribute a macports.conf option in a pull request.

I'm preparing a PR that includes all my tweaks to the progress reporting feature and introduces 3 config variables to customise it.

As a FWIW now that will hopefully attract some more attention to the PR: the `_progress` procedure in portimage.tcl is called a bit more than 2x for each file in a port on average.
Tcl being a purely interpreted language that means that even testing if the procedure should actually do anything is going to be an overhead (when the answer is no), *especially* with the new clone-based de/activation mechanism on fast drives.

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