Using port command to see installation method

Bill Cole macportsusers-20171215 at
Tue Aug 20 19:59:32 UTC 2024

On 2024-08-20 at 15:32:44 UTC-0400 (Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:32:44 -0400)
Nate Ijams via macports-users <nate at>
is rumored to have said:

> And I suppose one follow up, if that is the case: how are upgrades 
> handled by MacPorts when someone has originally installed a package 
> from source vs binary?
> Take this scenario:
> – Install package X from source;
> – Install package Y from binary;
> – Later, both packages are upgraded in the ports tree; and
> – I run `port upgrade outdated`.
> Will X be upgraded from source, and Y from binary, so long as I do not 
> run the command with `-s` or `b`? Or is the history ignored, and both 
> will be upgraded by default from binary? Or is there a different 
> behavior?

There is no coherent history of actions maintained by MacPorts. The 
install/upgrade logs get cleaned up by default when everything goes 
right. It's more like the FreeBSD Ports system than it is like the major 
Linux package managers.

By default 'port upgrade' tries to use pre-built binaries. Note that 
there are never pre-built binaries available for non-standard variants, 
so if you've built from source with a variant, it will always be 
upgraded from source.

Bill Cole
bill at or billcole at
(AKA @grumpybozo at and many * 
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