problem with apache2 php-fpm in fcgi mode

Fabien Auréjac fabien.aurejac at
Fri Jul 19 16:44:44 UTC 2024

Hello to all,

I just updated my ports concerning apache2 and php-fpm in fcgi mode,

and all my configuration, which was quite painful to find, does not work 

fcgi complains about "File not found." despite the scripts are present.

I've tried activating the php-fpm logging, it does not show more than a 404.

Mostly, the settings I made were the following :

• run apache and php-fpm as my user/group

• setting this in apache httpd.conf :

<FilesMatch \.php$>
    SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"

php-fpm is properly listening to 9000 port, does anyone know what 
changed in fcgi or php-fpm between last state before upgrade and the 
actual version ?

I try to look into the problem on my side, but any help would be 

I've also tried to chroot php-fpm but since the destination is on 
another disk, it gets worse.

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