problem with apache2 php-fpm in fcgi mode

Marius Schamschula lists at
Fri Jul 19 17:56:41 UTC 2024


The update to apache 2.4.62 could have been to blame, as it “fixed” an issue with fcgi.

See the release notes

Even though I update apache2 for MacPorts, I no longer personally use it (all my servers run nginx with php-fpm). Hence, I don’t test this configuration.

However, using php-fpm is to be preferred over mod_apache.

Marius Schamschula

> On Jul 19, 2024, at 6:44 PM, Fabien Auréjac <fabien.aurejac at> wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I just updated my ports concerning apache2 and php-fpm in fcgi mode,
> and all my configuration, which was quite painful to find, does not work anymore...
> fcgi complains about "File not found." despite the scripts are present.
> I've tried activating the php-fpm logging, it does not show more than a 404.
> Mostly, the settings I made were the following :
> • run apache and php-fpm as my user/group
> • setting this in apache httpd.conf :
> <FilesMatch \.php$>
>    SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"
> </FilesMatch>
> php-fpm is properly listening to 9000 port, does anyone know what changed in fcgi or php-fpm between last state before upgrade and the actual version ?
> I try to look into the problem on my side, but any help would be appreciated...
> I've also tried to chroot php-fpm but since the destination is on another disk, it gets worse.
> Fabien

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