MacPorts 2.10.0-beta1 now available for testing

Nils Breunese breun at
Tue Jul 23 06:19:05 UTC 2024

Bill Cole <macportsusers-20171215 at>:
> The following ports were restored with changes:
> - openjdk17-zulu
> state changed from 'installed' to 'inactive'
> - openjdk21-temurin
> state changed from 'installed' to 'inactive'
In what circumstances do ‘restores’ like this happen? A change from ‘installed’ to ‘inactive’ doesn’t sound like a ‘restore’ to me, but maybe this problem is correcting a previously incorrect state? Or is this really just some form of a failure to install these ports for a newer OS? I’m asking because I maintain these two ports and I wonder if something is wrong with them.

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