MacPorts 2.10.0-beta1 now available for testing

Joshua Root jmr at
Tue Jul 23 09:43:58 UTC 2024

Nils Breunese wrote:

> Bill Cole <macportsusers-20171215 at  <>>:
> > The following ports were restored with changes:
> > - openjdk17-zulu
> > state changed from 'installed' to 'inactive'
> > - openjdk21-temurin
> > state changed from 'installed' to 'inactive'
> > 
> In what circumstances do ‘restores’ like this happen? A change from ‘installed’ to ‘inactive’ doesn’t sound like a ‘restore’ to me, but maybe this problem is correcting a previously incorrect state? Or is this really just some form of a failure to install these ports for a newer OS? I’m asking because I maintain these two ports and I wonder if something is wrong with them.

This behaviour is consistent with these ports having been active but not 
marked as requested. By default, only requested ports and their 
dependencies are migrated. (If interactive questions are on, you get an 
"are you sure?" at the start of the process that lists ports that won't 
be migrated. There's a --all flag to include unrequested ports.) 
Normally, ports that aren't restored would end up uninstalled, but in 
this case, they are just left inactive because they are compatible with 
the current platform since they are "darwin any".

The phrasing "restored with changes" could probably be improved to 
better describe what actually happened, which is that they were 
deactivated and then not restored at all.

- Josh

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