
William Parducci bill at
Fri Jun 7 15:46:07 UTC 2024

I don’t usually laugh at messages on the macports list, but today is an exception.

Can someone please fix the "Melanies nails product” issue and stop becoming rich with your FREE SUPPORT…?


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jose Alfaro via macports-users <macports-users at>
> Subject: Criminals
> Date: June 7, 2024 at 7:31:52 AM PDT
> To: macports-users at
> Reply-To: Jose Alfaro <alfarojose2 at>
> i just find out exactly how are you guys stealing all my financial accounts dont you thought that some day i was going to find it out?? 
> Mateo Flores Sanchez
> Cameron Karhut
> Camilo Palacios
> Joana Aguilar
> Talina Ramirez
> Marta Hernandez "aka" Angelica Xajil
> have been working with your tools and taking every penny from all my accounts 
> and up to today you guys have come to be rich thanks to my family future savings and investments what after 19 yrs i have been working thinking and  the future of my loved ones and you guys didnt respected it that not even one of my portfolios were under my name but under Kamila wines beverages and more... Melanies nails product and more..:. Nicoles Worlds.... Elizabeth Pineda "aka" Jose Alfaro and take everything from them well gues what ..... be ready for the authorities because this time of course i will fill it up a report and i will report your company as well as a provided and complice of the criminals above mentioned
> Jose Alfaro
> Sent from my iPhone

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